

Recent domestic PVC export market trend analysis-06.16

Recently, the domestic PVC export market has improved, although the export quotation has been lowered, but with the Indian market stage replenishment, overseas demand is picking up, most of the domestic export enterprises have improved compared with the previous period, and the export trading volume has been increased, the specific performance is as follows.

Vinyl PVC export enterprises:

In June, the ethylene PVC export market in North China was lowered, the price was 710-720 US dollars/ton FOB, the local PVC device began to repair at the end of May, and the material was resumed in mid-June. With the recovery of demand in the Indian market, export transactions in the region have improved significantly. East China ethylene PVC export quotation in 720-730 US dollars/ton FOB, local manufacturers from June 5th parking maintenance, construction period lasts 10 days.

Calcium carbide PVC export enterprises:

In June, the domestic calcium carbide PVC export market trading atmosphere improved. Specifically, the northwestern region of calcium carbide PVC export quotation range in 705-725 US dollars/ton FOB. At the same time, the PVC equipment in the area was repaired in the first ten days of this month, and the discharge was resumed after 10-20 days. The export price of calcium carbide PVC in North China is 710-715 US dollars/ton FOB, and the operating rate of the device is about 80%. The export quotation of calcium carbide PVC in the southwest region fluctuates at 760 US dollars/ton CIF, and the local PVC plant began to repair on May 25, and production resumed in mid-June. It is understood that the number of PVC export enterprises in most parts of the country has risen this month.

Post time: Jun-16-2023